Samsung and Dropbox : Strange Bedfellows

Samsung has recently signed a deal with Dropbox which enables users of Samsung Grand, S3, Note 2 and the soon to be unveiled S4 to have 50GB of free storage space in Dropbox  One can access their music, videos, photos and other applications right from their mobile phones. The deal ensures that more of Samsung devices including cameras and PCs will have this pre-installed feature when they are passed on to the consumer.

The new TVC of Samsung Grand showcases this new tie-up and tries to educate the users of having the convenience of a Dropbox account.

Given that the smartphones are becoming increasingly smarter, and the need for users for more storage space is on the rise, this is a very interesting way to keep users happy. Instead of having a hardware upgrade, Samsung decides to strike a deal with Dropbox. Now a Samsung smartphone user can simply drop a movie in their Dropbox  and can watch the movie while on the go on their mobile devices. However, most of the smartphones still use 2G connection. Downloading a movie from a Dropbox account to your mobile phone might take ages. Songs and Photos would be simple enough though. The upside is, 3G is well on its way.

The real fun is in uploading photos and videos directly from the phone to your PC. This would be helpful especially for people who have the habit of taking a lot of pictures with friends and while travelling. Now they can transfer their files directly to their laptops or PCs. Hence, having a Dropbox account on your Samsung Camera would help you transfer files without worrying about storage space in your memory stick and allow you to take unlimited pictures.

While this deal is sweet for Samsung, it is honey for Dropbox. Firstly, being associated with Samsung gives it access to the ever increasing user base of Samsung smartphone users who would open a Dropbox account after buying the phone. The ads showcasing the features of the software gives it free airtime. without even having a media spend, people are being educated about it. The best part of the deal is, its not an exclusive one!

That right. Dropbox is still independent to have associations with other mobile phones. It already has one with HTC One where it provides 25GB of free space, and is already in talks with Sony and other undisclosed companies (Source : )

So its more of an open relationship marriage where parties are allowed to sleep with other people too. and everyone gets to have sex! 50GB of it. Porn-unintended! 🙂